Several months ago a few of us started dreaming about a mini conference where we could share stories, connections, friendships, and hope. I'm so excited to announce that The Beyond Conference is coming September 16!
Experiences happen in our lives that can launch or stall us. The choice is always our own - will we see beyond our current circumstances, or will we stay stuck? Where can we grow and what should we grieve? At The Beyond Conference, we'll explore a variety of ways to find our next steps.
I'm so fortunate to be partnering with Christian Murphy, Amelia Simmons, and Nissa White on this event. These are amazing women with so much knowledge. Hearing the previews of what they plan to share with the conference group already has me feeling very inspired. I can't wait to share more with you as plans continue to develop! Plus, we'll be interacting and making new contacts and friends all throughout the morning - or if you prefer, some breaks for quiet time to process. Early Bird Registration opens TODAY and you can also add on an optional morning meditation or / and a lunch session if you want to extend your experience.
September may feel like a long way away, but as we head toward March we all know it is a downhill slide toward summer. Make plans now to invest in yourself and bring along some friends for a very special morning!
For more information, see The Beyond Conference link. Ready to skip the overview and register? Go directly to the Beyond registration page here. Details will continue to be updated on the first link, so bookmark it and come back soon.
I know in my heart this is going to be an incredible day. You will not want to miss this, so grab your calendar and save the date. Have questions? Let me know. Scroll down to "contact" and shoot me a message anytime.
Let's go Beyond together.
