I feel like summer just started, but we are more than halfway through. In fact, so many kids I know are starting to school August 1. This was way too fast - for all of us!
Zach Pogrob, the Creator of BehaviorHack, recently posted on Instagram reminding us that 2023 is also halfway through. Pogrob's caption says "Six months can change your life." In the post, he gives some practical, tangible steps to making the most of the second half of the year.
Also, Life Coach Lyndsey Chambers recently sent a newsletter with the following encouragement: "I'm forever finding that balance for what works in the now to create the future I want. I promise to not burn myself out this summer... If for nothing else but to remind us both that we have the choice to take the foot off the gas and enjoy every last drop of summer. What can you let go of today to be more present? What are you craving and day dreaming about? Can you take action now as if it were already in play?"
Don't wait. Now is the time to decide what the next few months can look like - there is a never a better time to dream about the life we want. AND - now is also the time to soak in the beautiful life you have.
Gratitude in what is, hope in what can be.
If you need a hand in dreaming and doing, I'd love to be your partner. Check out all our offerings coming soon. I believe I can help!
