In the immortal words of Alice Cooper, School's out for summer.
This week really seems to be the kickoff for vacation season. School is out, sun is out, pool is open. Everyone is ready for a break.
I can't help but hear Alice Cooper's lyrics in my head. I too am geared up for a semi-summer-sabbatical. Knowing the schedules we all keep, I will have only minimal offerings this summer. Come join me for a mini-retreat - Poisoned Apple for June and Curious Connection for July. Details are below. I promise these little catch all Saturdays will be well worth your time - I can't wait to share this content with you. Or, consider signing up for our spiritual book club Coffeeshop series - grab your first book and put it on your summer reading list.
Before we turn around, it will be August again - enjoy every moment of your change of pace. I'll continue to share my weekly news - and hope you'll plan to join us for one or more of our many opportunities to gather this fall.
*This post was created prior to the school tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. We recognize that school being out for summer is heartbreaking for many. Please do what you can to help others who are deeply hurting.
